40×41: Midlife Crisis Postponed is the first in a series of protracted meditations on midlife transitions. Poems. Doodles. Vignettes. Artifacts. Mash-ups.
This is a record of one man’s effort to transform a midlife crisis into a midlife leap. Glistening with inspiration. Shivering with desperation. This is the detritus of trying. This is the detritus of failing. This is the detritus of trying again. This is the detritus of midlife recycled (and hopefully upcycled) into a song; woven into a tapestry; cut into strips, dredged in paste, and papier-mâchéd into a bridge or an effigy.
40×41.com started as a two-year project when I turned forty. But it metastasized in CarpeMidlife.com…